
Join us!

Your support, both financial and/or time will enable us to continue to help enrich your music students' experience in grades 7-12!

Sign up for our contact list HERE

Meetings are usually held the first Thursday of each month at the Portland Library at 6:30 PM. Members need not attend meetings, but we'd love to see you there!

Fundraising attendance is not required, but we sure do have a lot of fun and hope you will consider fundraising or supporting in some way!

Financial contributions via Venmo are preferred. You could also contribute via check made payable to Portland High School Music Boosters and sent to: c/o Portland High School, 95 High Street, Portland, CT 06480 

Contributions of any value are accepted, and fall into the following levels:

Whole Note - $100+

Half Note - $75+

Quarter Note - $50+

Eighth Note - $25+

Sixteenth Note - Up to $25